• Field marketing that's the best in its field

    Whoever said size doesn’t matter? Well, they obviously don’t have the largest field marketing team in the UK (because we do). But it’s not just about size. Skill and state of the art technology matter too. And all three help us deliver a dizzying range of field marketing services faster, more efficiently and with better insights than anyone else.


UK coverage


people working to grow your brand

3 billion

Insights based on 3 billion units of data


retail sales supported every year
Skilled workers image
Be the first name on retailers lips

Clever engagement that makes customers care

Let’s be honest, your customers have got a lot going on in their lives. But our hugely experienced field sales teams know how to get them to sit up and take notice. From product demonstrations and sampling to pop-up shops and events, we’ll help you boost market share with unforgettable brand experiences.

Be the first name on your retailers' lips

The only way to give your sellers the confidence to talk about your products is by telling them how to do it. That’s where our retailer engagement training comes in. So when the right question comes up, your product is at the top of their mind and the tip of their tongue.

Relentless optimisation of merchandising & compliance

Our TS Eye technology offers real-time insight into how your products are performing at both store and SKU level. So if a store’s doing well, well, they get a gold star*. But if not, we send a crack team to audit and improve your stock, availability, visibility, placement, promotional material, displays and anything else.

Field marketing is all about finding that connection

Field marketing is like a box of chocolates. Share it the right way and everyone will be your friend. Whether it’s coaching retail staff to become brand advocates or being your voice of customer care, we know what it takes to turn a single encounter into a long term relationship.

Relentless optimisation of merchandising
Deeset warehouse image

Our merchandisers are within 10 miles of 97% of stores in the UK, ready to support with 365-day promotion for your brand.

Shelf-space. Positioning. Visibility. Product selection. A lot of thought and expertise goes into maximising your sales. We get it. And whether its POS installation, check and fix, auditing or range changes, we combine big brains with big data to make sure the right improvements happen. 

60,000 photos per week for client reporting

40,000 merchandising hours completed per week

Clients we work with

  • Morrisons logo
    Accessorize logo
    Lavazza Logo
    Waitrose logo
  • Claire's logo
    Kimberley Clark Logo
    RB logo
    Innocent logo
  • Sainsbury's logo
    GU logo
    Castrol logo
  • B&Q Logo
    Homebase logo
    Morrisons logo
    Accessorize logo

Field Marketing

So, you’re looking to invest in an effective field marketing strategy with the team here at Dee Set? We can’t say we’re surprised; the track record for our technology speaks for itself and the vast number of brands reaping rewards from our partnerships is a testament to the hard work, dedication, and innovation that our team puts into every bespoke strategy for each client. We’re no strangers to the roadblocks that exist, however; there are lots of brands and businesses out there right now that aren’t yet making use of field marketing, and they don’t even realise what they’re missing out on until it’s too late. 

Thankfully, the team here at Dee Set is looking to put the record straight; we’ve put together this in-depth guide to field marketing to help you to understand what it is, how it works, and what the benefits to your business are in the long term and short term. We know how frustrating the jargon can be, so we’ve completely cut it out; in our service guides, we’ll give you the most important information in the clearest way possible. 

Keep reading on to learn a little bit more about how Dee Set operates - we think you’re going to love what we’ve got in store for your brand just below! Alternatively, you can check out some of the other solutions that the Dee Set team can assist you with by heading over to our other service pages right here on our website - we’re sure you’ll find everything you need, but if you have any questions don’t be afraid to get in touch with us right away!

Dee Set has a commitment to improving your sales. That’s our mission.

Dee Set works with brands to create powerful insights that help them make smart business decisions, create effective marketing campaigns, and improve their customer service. Our people-first approach to analytics helps us deliver some of the most innovative retail data analytics solutions on the UK market - because even the most sophisticated solutions cannot cut it without a team of talented, passionate individuals crunching the numbers. 

Our award-winning data and technology capabilities work seamlessly with field marketers across the UK who operate in physical stores, creating the perfect mixture of machine learning and that necessary human touch. As a team, we don't expect brands to be experts in every type of analytics, but we do seek to help our partners to understand the statistics at their disposal with a bit more clarity - after all, the more involved in the process you are, the better the insights become! 

Our Reapp tool, which utilizes EPOS data, provides brands with a deeper understanding of how their products perform in store and of their clients' shopping journeys by harnessing a wealth of knowledge spanning consumer trends, industry news, and successful marketing strategies. When brands are looking to take the next step in their business, we're here to provide salient retail analysis that helps them make smarter decisions.

The field marketing team at Dee Set enjoys getting their hands dirty with analytics strategies that consider the impact of product selection, shelf space, and positioning within retail environments - it’s this passion that makes us so good at what we do. By combining our POS installation, where we gather fresh data in real-time with our data-backed auditing and intervention tools that function on a data pool of around 3 billion units, we make tangible improvements that result in increased sales statistics on a consistent basis. In simple terms, we strive to maximise conversions in every way we can, with an impressive track record of sustained results.

Our image recognition retail analytics technology keeps you miles ahead of the competition

There are almost 3 billion data units in Dee Set's database and the most surprising part bit about it is that all of this information has come directly from your shelves - it’s not new, it’s not hidden, but it is incredibly useful when trying to analyse why your products aren’t performing as you hoped they would. It doesn’t matter if you need to ensure that in-store compliance regarding a fair shelf space allocation or a promotional campaign is being adhered to, or if a stock take is needed; our analysis tools can help improve vital engagement and sales in any way that you need them, at any time you desire. We know things can change in an instant, so we’ve created a suite of solutions that can adjust just as quickly. 

There are a variety of ways advanced data analytics can be used in the retail industry; essentially, data can be interpreted based on the focus areas a brand wishes to concentrate on. We produce retail analytics solutions that truly make a difference as a result of our remarkable ability to perform 1,000,000+ interventions each year - the only way for us to ensure that we can have the biggest impact is to always keep moving, improving, and advancing. We provide insight into consumer behaviour based on data from our in-store calls, EPOS platforms, and cutting-edge Image Recognition technology, which in turn allows you to make critical decisions with more confidence, with the stats in place to back up your choice.

The use of retail analytics can help you identify the most loyal customers for your brand, allowing you to tailor your output accordingly and target these customers more often to increase sales wherever possible. 

Additionally, we can crunch the numbers to determine if a product is in demand or not, as well as understand the average output from a collection of stores or from one store specifically - this level of insight means you have the most detailed performance review possible at your disposal. 

Through our customized approaches, intuitive technology, and flexible resources, we are uniquely positioned to support retail businesses exactly as needed - alongside stellar customer service from our talented field marketers and data analysts who will help you to always feel informed, involved, and in control of your own destiny. 

We are unmatched when it comes to collecting data analytics for brands; our in-depth research, application, and insights are second to none across the entire industry. In our advanced analytics solutions, we can pinpoint specific issues or potential problems within a business infrastructure, but we won’t rest there. For us, our purpose hasn’t been fulfilled until the solution has also been identified, crafted, and implemented effectively. 

Data-led exploratory calls can also be conducted at a variety of stores to discover potential issues with the shopping experience, which again is a great example of how our service simple dives deeper than that of any other field marketing agency. 

As part of our bespoke approach to retail analytics, we provide a number of options for meeting each client's brief, including instant analytics, snapshots of analysis over time, and automatic reporting features to monitor existing aspects such as planogram compliance, customer retention rate, and lots more of those KPIs that you’ll be looking to monitor over your time with us. 

Brands needing targeted improvement across a range of fixtures rely on technological innovation from us to enhance their operations - it’s this level of trust and respect in our expertise that keeps us from standing still. We’re constantly on the lookout for ways to improve our solutions to the benefit of our clients. 

By applying our passion for problem-solving, we can collect data from billions of products and stores across the retail industry and create the perfect solution for you - your products aren’t a one-size-fits-all solution, so you’re retail strategy shouldn’t follow this pattern either. Our people-powered, data-driven formula is built around human insights that contextualise and apply a range of predictive strategies. In many ways, this is the special sauce that takes our service from being good to great! As we always say - what’s the point in having data if you can’t use it to inform your decisions? 

dee set merchaniser standing in a store in alcohol section

Data - it’s here, it’s ready, and it’s up to you to take advantage

In its simplest form, data analytics is a process of observing patterns and trends in data pulled from a variety of sources to gain insights and support future business decisions. Analytical platforms will collect data and turn them into automatic performance reports, which will subsequently drive organizations to create actionable strategies that target the biggest problems they face with precision and accuracy.  

Today, the majority of a customer's journey takes place in the digital sphere. It’s a natural part of the shopping process modernising and adapting to the technology that’s available. However, this doesn’t mean that the physical store is redundant - in fact, we’ve found that the physical store is still a vital part of the shopping journey and is the place where crucial purchase decisions are often made. 

In terms of collecting data, this is fantastic, as we’re able to gather information from more potential customers at far more touchpoints across this journey, enabling us to create a clearer picture of the thought processes and triggers that impact decision making. 

Recent technological advances have made it possible for EPOS technology, apps, websites, or data-driven calls to allow brands to see whether their product assortment is being assessed or missed in the real world, which further informs the data at our disposal when crafting a strategy for our clients. 

Customer data removes the guesswork when it comes to understanding the customer experience. It shows whether current marketing strategies are truly effective - and helps to identify areas where conversion rates can be boosted.

We use four different types of data in the retail analytics market, each of which gives its own insight into the sales process. The result of this is a holistic overview of the process that can be reviewed and analysed more effectively.

Descriptive analytics: 

A brand can use descriptive analytics to understand the events on the surface of a particular time period - whether it's a decline in sales or a product launch that just didn’t seem to hit the mark.

Diagnostic analytics: 

When we decide what we need to focus on, diagnostic analytics digs deeper into the underlying cause. For example, why does demand increase from week to week? Using these analytics, we can gain a greater understanding. 

Predictive analytics: 

Marketing teams can build on this insightful information through this intelligent method, which makes use of complex statistical methods and algorithms.

Prescriptive analytics: 

As the most advanced analytics, prescriptive (or predictive) analytics answers what is often described as the most challenging question for marketers. This is, of course, "what should I do now?". A number of methods can be used to accomplish this, including simulating different conditions and actions, and implementing machine learning algorithms.

Using accurate and effective sources, we provide our brands with best-in-class analytics solutions at Dee Set by partnering with only the highest quality data sources. The numbers are usually checked against leading sources of data, and then validated and scrubbed clean to give our clients ultimate peace of mind. Our retail analytics solution removes duplicates and outlines conflicting totals, giving you a crystal-clear view of your brand's influence as it really is - and as it should be. 

Start your retail revolution today

Now that you’ve learned the basics of field marketing, we’re sure you’re itching to get started on your journey towards a completely revitalised retail strategy - don’t worry, we’re just as excited to get started too! To take the next steps on the road to enhanced sales and intuitive data utilisation, all you need to do is fill out our handy contact form. By giving us the basic information requested on our contact form, we can get the ball rolling and the cogs turning as soon as possible - just keep an eye out for a member of the Dee Set team getting in touch with you to discuss the details and start formulating your bespoke solutions! After a quick chat with our experts, we’re sure you’ll be confident that you’ve made the right decision for your long term business success.

Dee Set Logistics Ltd/Dee Set Confectionery Ltd, trading as Dee Set, registered in England, Scotland and Wales. Registered No: SC208421/04297287.Vat No: 896110414.